When you think about difficult times, what comes to mind? In our lifetime, we all deal with a wide array of things that classify as either minor inconveniences or major catastrophes. When a tough situation arises, there are two options; rollover or persevere. Choose the latter! How you first perceive the circumstances and how you choose to approach your problems will have a significant factor in your overall outcome.
Martha Mason
You're 11 years old and your brother just passed away from polio. You feel achy one night, but you don't want to trouble your grieving parents, so you don't tell them. Unfortunately, this is the exact situation Martha Mason found herself in. Her suspicions were correct; she had polio. The disease viciously attacked her body, leaving her paralyzed from the neck down.
Martha with a visitor: Image Credit The NY Times
Doctors finally sent her home in an iron lung - a negative pressure ventilator that varies the pressure on its occupant to force respiration. Martha had to rely on this device to survive, and at over 800 pounds and seven feet long, you can see she wouldn't be going anywhere easily. Given only a year at most by doctors to survive, her outlook was grim at best.
Martha didn't let her situation get the best of her. She went on to complete elementary and high school, working with in-home tutors. She then continued onto college with her iron lung; listening to her teachers via intercom from her dorm room. Finally, graduating with her associate's degree and then later receiving her Bachelor's Degree in English. Even though she couldn't be in the classroom, she still graduated at the top of her classes. Martha didn't let paralyzation stop her; she stated her curiosity is what kept her alive and going. She went on to write for her local newspaper and eventually became a published author. If someone can accomplish all of that while spending 60 years of their life in an iron lung, what can we achieve with the right mindset?
Keep Pushing
Don't let your circumstances define you; let the actions you take determine your outcome. Push through and do not succumb. Positive results are waiting for you. It might take a little hard work and patience, but I promise you the results will speak for themselves.