Free Commercial Lighting Pilot Program
Superior Energy and Control is excited to announce a free pilot program for qualified projects. If your facility qualifies we will provide free equipment as a pilot in order that you can see the impact the upgraded lighting will have on your facility. We will provide a free initial survey of your facility, conduct energy tracking (if necessary) and install pilot equipment that will help you quantify energy savings and performance enhancements.
It is known that 40% of Industrial and Manufacturing Energy is Consumed by Lighting. United States Department of Energy has stated that commercial buildings could be made 80% more efficient with new lighting technology. In a 200,000 square foot facility that pays $2 per square foot in energy, a 10% reduction in energy cost translates into $40,000 in additional net operating income (NOI). At an 8.0% cap rate, the new found NOI translates into $500,000 in increased asset value. The bottom line in all of these factoids is that improving your lighting can both save energy AND improve lighting performance.
“Commercial buildings could be made 80% more efficient with new lighting technology.”
Contact Superior Energy and Control and speak with one of our Lighting Consultants to qualify your project to participate in our new program. We are confident that our Superior Process, People, and Partners will be able to design a custom project plan for your energy needs AND help you to present this plan to your team in a way that makes approval simple. Wondering if lighting control makes sense? Read more here.